Line Chart
Hannah - Baby name popularity in Virginia
Hannah: Popularity in Virginia VS National Average
In the state of Virginia, there have been a total of 11841 baby girls named Hannah since 1915. On average, 0.002% of newborn girls are give this name every year in the state. This is greater than the nation average of 0.001%, which is 0.001 percent higher than the other states on average. A total of 11841 females have been given this name in the state of Virginia since 1910. Hannah had the most popularity as a newborn baby name in 2000, 1999, and 1998. In its most popular year, 0.9% of baby girls were named Hannah, which was a total of 708 newborns.
State Rank: #15
Virginia ranks #15 in popularity for the baby name Hannah in the past five years. Hannah is most popular in the state of North Dakota
In which states is Hannah most popular
Rank | State | Percent |
1 | North Dakota | 0.327% |
2 | South Dakota | 0.308% |
3 | New Hampshire | 0.308% |
4 | Delaware | 0.295% |
5 | Massachusetts | 0.291% |
Most popular H-names in Virginia
Rank | Name |
1 | Harper |
2 | Hannah |
3 | Hailey |
4 | Hadley |
5 | Hazel |
6 | Harmony |
7 | Hayden |
8 | Haley |
9 | Heaven |
10 | Helen |
11 | Haven |
12 | Hope |
13 | Harley |
14 | Holly |
15 | Helena |
16 | Heidi |
17 | Hanna |
18 | Haleigh |
19 | Hallie |
20 | Haylee |
Years Hannah was most popular in Virginia as new born name
1 | 2000 | 0.925% |
2 | 1999 | 0.837% |
3 | 1998 | 0.832% |
4 | 1997 | 0.795% |
5 | 2001 | 0.758% |
In which states is Hannah most popular?
Rank | State |
1 | North Dakota |
2 | South Dakota |
3 | New Hampshire |
4 | Delaware |
5 | Massachusetts |
6 | Rhode Island |
7 | Connecticut |
8 | Alaska |
9 | Vermont |
10 | Iowa |
11 | Wyoming |
12 | Pennsylvania |
13 | Minnesota |
14 | Wisconsin |
15 | Virginia |
16 | Utah |
17 | Montana |
18 | Kansas |
19 | Ohio |
20 | Maryland |
21 | Kentucky |
22 | Michigan |
23 | Tennessee |
24 | Maine |
25 | Oregon |
26 | Washington |
27 | Alabama |
28 | Arkansas |
29 | District Of Columbia |
30 | Missouri |
31 | Nebraska |
32 | North Carolina |
33 | New Jersey |
34 | Illinois |
35 | Oklahoma |
36 | New York |
37 | Colorado |
38 | Georgia |
39 | West Virginia |
40 | South Carolina |
41 | Indiana |
42 | Idaho |
43 | Arizona |
44 | Texas |
45 | Mississippi |
46 | Florida |
47 | Louisiana |
48 | California |
49 | Nevada |
50 | Hawaii |
51 | New Mexico |