Wednesday September 19th, 1928
Wednesday September 19th, 1928
September Nineteenth, Nineteen Twenty-Eight
September Nineteenth, Nineteen Twenty-Eight
How old am I if I was born on September 19, 1928?
Years | Months | Days | Hours | Minutes |
Date Facts:
If you were born on this date:
Page Contents:
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Celebrities Birthdays:
September 19th
You Share a birthday with over 14 other celebrities and/or famous people! Click Here to view our complete list. Who do you share a birthday with?
Sapphire: Birthstone for September 19th, 1928
Protect from Envy
Protect from Harm
$200 Per Carat
Low Value:
$40 Per Carat
Click Here To learn more about September Birthstones
Birthstone of September, the Sapphire is an illustrious deep blue stone rich in color, history, and lure. Known for being a precious stone of loyalty, nobility, and wisdom. It is said the Sapphire helps focus the mind, channel inner potential, and promote self control and discipline. Although best know for it's deep blue color, the stone actually comes in a wide variety of shades, including yellow, violet, green and several others (except red sapphires which are classified as a ruby's).
It's believed that Sapphires both preserve chastity, and also help the wearer discover fraud, protect from poisons and help mental acuity and the psychic ability. Also, ancient societies claimed the gem stone would stimulate the Third eye Charka, and the throat. Allowing the wearer to achieve a deeper level of consciousness, making the wearer at peace with oneself.
1928 - the Silent Generation:
Age Range:
81-102 years old
The silent Gen were born into a fortunate time period associated with wealth, and high eduaction.
the Silent Generation Summary:
Contrary to their name, the Silent Generation tended to be very patriotic and ambitious. They were plagued with the Korean war, and economic instability following WWII
Time Period:
You are part of the Silent Generation
Like to see more about Generations? Click here to go to our interactive generations table.
Zodiac - Virgo:
Virgo Traits:
Virgo Summary:
Virgos are always very open minded. They are constantly thinking, analyzing, and striving to better themselves
Start Date:
8-23End Date:
9-22Click here to see more about Virgo
September 19th, on this day in History:
1928-09-19: This day in History:

9-19-1928 in
Roman Numerals:
What is 1928-09-19 converted to roman numerals? Above is the date 9-19-1928 converted into roman numerals.
The above date is written in the traditional western/American style of writing dates. Formatted in the order of
Month-Day-Year. If you prefer the European way of writing dates (Which is day-month-year) the roman numerals would be written XIX • IX • MCMXXVIII.
Next Birthday Countdown:
Countdown timer for Sep 19, 2025:
Click to see age and birthday countdown timer
Days | Hours | Minutes | Seconds |
The above timer is a countdown clock for your next birthday! (Assuming you were born on 1928-09-19) This timer is automatically updated, and is accurate all the way up to the nearest second. Watch as your next birthday ticks closer and closer right before your eyes. If you were born on september-19th-1928, your next birthday is only 195 days away.
Your birthday is on September nineteenth, 1928. Being born in mid-September says a lot about you. Your zodiac sign is virgo, your birth-stone is the Sapphire, and your birth flower is the Aster (both of which make great gifts for someone with this birthday). You are 96 years old, and were born in the beginning of the Silent Generation. Which generation you are born into makes a huge impact on your life, click here to see our interactive table and learn more. You have been alive for 35234 days, or 845616 hours, or 50736960 minutes! Your next birthday which is in 2025, is on a Friday.