Tuesday June 3rd, 2003
June Third, Two-Thousand Three

How old am I if I was born on June 3, 2003?

Years Months Days Hours Minutes

Date Facts:

  • June 3, 2003 was a Tuesday
  • Zodiac Sign for this date is: Gemini
  • This date was 7,952 days ago
  • June 3rd 2025 is on a Tuesday
  • Someone born on this date is 21 years old
  • If you were born on this date:

  • You've slept for 2,651 days or 7 years!
  • Your next birthday is 84 days away
  • You've been alive for 190,848 hours
  • You were born on a Tuesday in early June
  • You are 11,450,880 minutes old
  • Your next birthday is on a Tuesday

  • Most popular baby names of 2003 ranked:

    Rank Name
    1. Jacob
    2. Michael
    3. Joshua
    4. Matthew
    5. Andrew
    6. Joseph
    7. Ethan
    Rank Name
    1. Emma
    2. Madison
    3. Hannah
    4. Olivia
    5. Abigail
    6. Alexis
    7. Ashley

    How popular is your name? Search to find out!

    Celebrities Birthdays:
    June 3rd

    You Share a birthday with over 22 other celebrities and/or famous people! Click Here to view our complete list. Who do you share a birthday with?

    Pearl : Birthstone for June 3rd, 2003




    High Value:
    $1500 Per Carat
    Low Value:
    $300 Per Carat

    Click Here To learn more about June Birthstones

    Tap Image to view price

    Pearls are birthstone of June has always been a high regarded gemstone among all cultures ancient and current. Among the top of the totem pole in regards to rarity, value, and beauty the Pearl is a very valuable Jem for may reasons. The exquisite crystal is always found with a lovely and mesmerising White, that emanates life and warmth. In ancient times it was believed that throwing a Pearl into a pot of water would cause it to boil instantly. It is also believed the rare gemstone will bring success, reciprocated love, and good fortune to the wearer.

    2003 - Generation Z:

    Age Range:

    15-29 years old


    Generation Z is often reffered to as post-millennials, the iGeneration, or Homeland Generation.

    Generation Z Summary:

    Generation Z was born in the late 1990's through 2010. The first generation born with easy access to internet, and are often associated with being tethered to technology.

    Time Period:


    Like to see more about Generations? Click here to go to our interactive generations table.

    Zodiac - Gemini:


    Gemini Traits:


    Gemini Summary:

    Gemini are well known for positive energy. They are talkative and social butterflies, and don't let others influence ther way of life

    Start Date:


    End Date:


    Click here to see more about Gemini

    2003-06-03: This day in History:

  • 1539-06-03 Hernando De Soto claims Florida for Spain
  • 1621-06-03 Dutch West India Company receives charter for "New Netherlands"
  • 1770-06-03 Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo founded in California
  • 1789-06-03 Alex Mackenzie began exploration of Mackenzie River
  • 1888-06-03 Casey at the Bat published (SF Examiner)
  • 1916-06-03 ROTC established by Act of Congress
  • 1932-06-03 Lou Gehrig hits 4 consecutive HRs Yanks beat A's 20-13
  • 1933-06-03 A's score 11 runs in 2nd - Yanks score 10 in 5th & win 17-11
  • 1934-06-03 Dr Frederick Banting co-discoverer of insulin knighted
  • 1935-06-03 Atlantic crossing record French "Normandie": 1077 hours
  • 1937-06-03 Edward VIII - Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson
  • 1942-06-03 Battle of Midway begins; Japan's 1st major defeat in WW II
  • 1948-06-03 200 inch Hale telescope dedicated at Palomar Observatory
  • 1949-06-03 Dragnet's 1st broadcast on radio (KFI in LA)
  • 1957-06-03 Howard Cosell's 1st TV show
  • 1959-06-03 1st US Air Force Academy graduation
  • 1965-06-03 Gemini IV is launched Ed White 1st American to walk in space
  • 1966-06-03 Gemini 9 launched; 7th U.S. 2-man flight
  • 1968-06-03 Yanks turn 21st triple play in their history lose 4-3 to Twins
  • 1972-06-03 Yanks score 8 times in 13th beating White Sox 18-10
  • 1976-06-03 US presented with oldest known copy of Magna Carta
  • 1979-06-03 Ixtoc I rig in Gulf of Mexico blows; 3 million bbl of oil spilled
  • 1980-06-03 Crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35
  • 1980-06-03 Jimmy Carter wins enough delegates for renomination
  • 1981-06-03 Pope John Paul II released from hospital after attempt on life

  • 6-3-2003 in
    Roman Numerals:

    VI • III • MMIII

    What is 2003-06-03 converted to roman numerals? Above is the date 6-3-2003 converted into roman numerals.
    The above date is written in the traditional western/American style of writing dates. Formatted in the order of
    Month-Day-Year. If you prefer the European way of writing dates (Which is day-month-year) the roman numerals would be written III • VI • MMIII.

    Next Birthday Countdown:

    Countdown timer for Jun 3, 2025:

    The above timer is a countdown clock for your next birthday! (Assuming you were born on 2003-06-03) This timer is automatically updated, and is accurate all the way up to the nearest second. Watch as your next birthday ticks closer and closer right before your eyes. If you were born on 3-june-2003, your next birthday is only 84 days away.

    Your birthday is on June third, 2003. Being born in early-June says a lot about you. Your zodiac sign is gemini, your birth-stone is the Pearl , and your birth flower is the Rose (both of which make great gifts for someone with this birthday). You are 21 years old, and were born in the middle of Generation Z. Which generation you are born into makes a huge impact on your life, click here to see our interactive table and learn more. You have been alive for 7952 days, or 190848 hours, or 11450880 minutes! Your next birthday which is in 2025, is on a Tuesday.

  • Birthstone: Pearl (great gift idea, see Pearl article)
  • Birthflower: Rose
  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini

  • Your
    Jun 3, 2025
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    ** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
    Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/date/3-june-2003