Celebrities born on March 21st

Russ Meyer: Famous Film Director, Film Actor, Camera Operator, Cinematographer, Actor, Film Producer, Photographer, Screenwriter, Writer, Film Editor, and, Producer.
Born in: Oakland
Birthdate: 1922-03-21
Died on 2004-09-18 at the age of 82 years old.

Gary Oldman: Famous Voice Actor, Film Director, Film Actor, Character Actor, Stage Actor, Actor, Film Producer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1958-03-21
Currently 67 years old.

Slavoj Žižek: Famous Cultural Critic, Essayist, Sociologist, Psychoanalyst, Philosopher, Cultural Studies Scholar, University Teacher, and, Psychologist.
Born in: Ljubljana
Birthdate: 1949-03-21
Currently 76 years old.

Hans-Dietrich Genscher: Famous Lawyer, Military Personnel, Assessor, Non-fiction Writer, Politician, and, University Teacher.
Born in: Reideburg
Birthdate: 1927-03-21
Died on 2016-03-31 at the age of 89 years old.

Peter Brook: Famous Writer, Film Editor, Theatre Director, Screenwriter, and, Film Director.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1925-03-21
Currently 100 years old.

Gary Giddins: Famous Biographer, Film Director, Non-fiction Writer, Music Critic, and, Journalist.
Born in: Brooklyn
Birthdate: 1948-03-21
Currently 77 years old.

Al Freeman: Famous Television Actor, Film Director, Film Actor, Actor, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: San Antonio
Birthdate: 1934-03-21
Died on 2012-08-09 at the age of 78 years old.

Frankie Cosmos: Famous Composer, Film Actor, Singer-songwriter, and, Television Actor.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1994-03-21
Currently 31 years old.

Matthew Broderick: Famous Stage Actor, Voice Actor, Singer, and, Film Actor.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1962-03-21
Currently 63 years old.

Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr.: Famous Screenwriter, Impresario, Theatre Director, and, Film Producer.
Born in: Chicago
Birthdate: 1867-03-21
Died on 1932-07-22 at the age of 65 years old.

Margaret Mahy: Famous Children's Writer, Librarian, Novelist, and, Writer.
Born in: Whakatane
Birthdate: 1936-03-21
Died on 2012-07-23 at the age of 76 years old.

Jace Norman: Famous Child Actor, Film Actor, and, Television Actor.
Born in: Corrales
Birthdate: 2000-03-21
Currently 25 years old.

Lauren Kate: Famous Children's Writer, Novelist, and, Writer.
Born in: Dayton
Birthdate: 1981-03-21
Currently 44 years old.

Saharet: Famous Dancer, Stage Actor, and, Actor.
Born in: Melbourne
Birthdate: 1879-03-21
Died on 1942-01-01 at the age of 62 years old.

Vivian Stanshall: Famous Screenwriter, Songwriter, and, Poet.
Born in: Oxford
Birthdate: 1943-03-21
Died on 1995-03-05 at the age of 51 years old.

Ian Stuart Black: Famous Novelist, Playwright, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1915-03-21
Died on 1997-10-13 at the age of 82 years old.

Jay Kennedy Harris: Famous Actor, and, Australian Rules Footballer.
Born in:
Birthdate: 1995-03-21
Currently 30 years old.

Luke Mockridge: Famous Comedian, and, Writer.
Born in: Bonn
Birthdate: 1989-03-21
Currently 36 years old.

Lothar Matthäus: Famous Association Football Manager, and, Association Football Player.
Born in: Erlangen
Birthdate: 1961-03-21
Currently 64 years old.

Ayrton Senna: Famous Formula One Driver, and, Racing Automobile Driver.
Born in: São Paulo
Birthdate: 1960-03-21
Died on 1994-05-01 at the age of 34 years old.

Dirk von Lowtzow: Famous Singer.
Born in: Offenburg
Birthdate: 1971-03-21
Currently 54 years old.

** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/celebrity/mar-21