Celebrities born on February 19th

Jeff Daniels: Famous Film Actor, Television Actor, Director, Stage Actor, Voice Actor, Musician, and, Playwright.
Born in: Athens
Birthdate: 1955-02-19
Currently 70 years old.

David Garrick: Famous Actor, Screenwriter, Theatrical Producer, Stage Actor, Playwright, and, Writer.
Born in: Hereford
Birthdate: 1717-02-19
Died on 1779-01-20 at the age of 61 years old.

Jeff Kinney: Famous Author, Cartoonist, Game Designer, Film Producer, and, Actor.
Born in: Fort Washington
Birthdate: 1971-02-19
Currently 54 years old.

Jonathan Lethem: Famous Novelist, Writer, Author, Science Fiction Writer, and, Essayist.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1964-02-19
Currently 61 years old.

Amy Tan: Famous Children's Writer, Essayist, Screenwriter, Novelist, and, Writer.
Born in: Oakland
Birthdate: 1952-02-19
Currently 73 years old.

Cedric Hardwicke: Famous Film Director, Film Actor, Stage Actor, Actor, and, Film Producer.
Born in: Worcestershire
Birthdate: 1893-02-19
Died on 1964-08-06 at the age of 71 years old.

Carson McCullers: Famous Screenwriter, Novelist, Writer, Playwright, and, Poet.
Born in: Columbus
Birthdate: 1917-02-19
Died on 1967-09-29 at the age of 50 years old.

Kay Boyle: Famous Novelist, Author, Writer, Journalist, and, Poet.
Born in: Saint Paul
Birthdate: 1902-02-19
Died on 1992-12-27 at the age of 90 years old.

Beth Ditto: Famous Songwriter, Singer, Model, and, Musician.
Born in: Searcy
Birthdate: 1981-02-19
Currently 44 years old.

Dan Fogelman: Famous Film Director, Actor, Film Producer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: River Vale
Birthdate: 1976-02-19
Currently 49 years old.

Sunset Thomas: Famous Film Actor, Prostitute, Actor, and, Model.
Born in: Sikeston
Birthdate: 1972-02-19
Currently 53 years old.

Bellamy Young: Famous Film Actor, Television Actor, Film Producer, and, Stage Actor.
Born in: Asheville
Birthdate: 1970-02-19
Currently 55 years old.

Helen Fielding: Famous Writer, Journalist, Novelist, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Morley
Birthdate: 1958-02-19
Currently 67 years old.

Siri Hustvedt: Famous Novelist, Writer, Poet, and, Essayist.
Born in: Northfield
Birthdate: 1955-02-19
Currently 70 years old.

Tony Iommi: Famous Musician, Songwriter, Composer, and, Guitarist.
Born in: Handsworth
Birthdate: 1948-02-19
Currently 77 years old.

Andrew Ross Sorkin: Famous Writer, Journalist, and, Author.
Born in: New York City
Birthdate: 1977-02-19
Currently 48 years old.

Eric Lange: Famous Television Actor, Film Actor, and, Stage Actor.
Born in: Hamilton
Birthdate: 1973-02-19
Currently 52 years old.

Ron Foster: Famous Actor, Television Actor, and, Film Actor.
Born in: Wichita
Birthdate: 1930-02-19
Currently 95 years old.

John Frankenheimer: Famous Film Director, Film Producer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Queens
Birthdate: 1930-02-19
Died on 2002-07-06 at the age of 72 years old.

Dan Fante: Famous Playwright, Writer, and, Novelist.
Born in: Los Angeles
Birthdate: 1944-02-19
Died on 2015-11-21 at the age of 71 years old.

Millie Bobby Brown: Famous Model, and, Actor.
Born in: Marbella
Birthdate: 2004-02-19
Currently 21 years old.

Josh Trank: Famous Screenwriter, and, Film Director.
Born in: Los Angeles
Birthdate: 1984-02-19
Currently 41 years old.

Tom Rob Smith: Famous Novelist, and, Writer.
Born in: London
Birthdate: 1979-02-19
Currently 46 years old.

Seal: Famous Singer-songwriter.
Born in: Paddington
Birthdate: 1963-02-19
Currently 62 years old.

Grace Williams: Famous Composer.
Born in: Barry
Birthdate: 1906-02-19
Died on 1977-02-10 at the age of 70 years old.

** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/celebrity/feb-19