Celebrities born on December 7th

Tom Waits: Famous Jazz Guitarist, Pianist, Actor, Writer, Musician, Composer, Film Actor, Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, and, Singer.
Born in: Pomona
Birthdate: 1949-12-07
Currently 75 years old.

Noam Chomsky: Famous Pedagogue, Linguist, Writer, Journalist, Opinion Journalist, Media Critic, Philosopher, Political Writer, University Teacher, and, Computer Scientist.
Born in: East Oak Lane
Birthdate: 1928-12-07
Currently 96 years old.

Louis Prima: Famous Actor, Bandleader, Trumpeter, Composer, Film Actor, Singer, Conductor, and, Jazz Musician.
Born in: New Orleans
Birthdate: 1910-12-07
Died on 1978-08-24 at the age of 67 years old.

Eli Wallach: Famous Character Actor, Stage Actor, Actor, Film Producer, Autobiographer, Television Actor, and, Film Actor.
Born in: Red Hook
Birthdate: 1915-12-07
Died on 2014-06-24 at the age of 98 years old.

Richard Brooks: Famous Television Actor, Singer, Film Director, Film Actor, Stage Actor, and, Musician.
Born in: Cleveland
Birthdate: 1962-12-07
Currently 62 years old.

Aaron Carter: Famous Actor, Film Actor, Singer-songwriter, Television Actor, and, Singer.
Born in: Tampa
Birthdate: 1987-12-07
Currently 37 years old.

Mark Duplass: Famous Film Director, Actor, Film Producer, Screenwriter, and, Television Actor.
Born in: New Orleans
Birthdate: 1976-12-07
Currently 48 years old.

Jeffrey Wright: Famous Television Actor, Producer, Film Actor, Stage Actor, and, Actor.
Born in: Washington, D.C.
Birthdate: 1965-12-07
Currently 59 years old.

George Gittoes: Famous Visual Artist, Film Producer, Photographer, Film Director, and, Writer.
Born in: Sydney
Birthdate: 1949-12-07
Currently 75 years old.

Ernst Toch: Famous University Teacher, Musicologist, Film Score Composer, Composer, and, Music Pedagogue.
Born in: Vienna
Birthdate: 1887-12-07
Died on 1964-10-01 at the age of 76 years old.

Leigh Brackett: Famous Science Fiction Writer, Novelist, Writer, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Los Angeles
Birthdate: 1915-12-07
Died on 1978-03-18 at the age of 62 years old.

Anna Soubry: Famous Politician, Television Presenter, and, Lawyer.
Born in: Lincoln
Birthdate: 1956-12-07
Currently 68 years old.

Julie Halston: Famous Stage Actor, Actor, and, Television Actor.
Born in: Suffolk County
Birthdate: 1954-12-07
Currently 70 years old.

Susan Isaacs: Famous Writer, Novelist, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Brooklyn
Birthdate: 1943-12-07
Currently 81 years old.

Steve Pieczenik: Famous Psychiatrist, Novelist, and, Science Fiction Writer.
Born in: Havana
Birthdate: 1943-12-07
Currently 81 years old.

Jeff Nichols: Famous Film Director, and, Screenwriter.
Born in: Little Rock
Birthdate: 1978-12-07
Currently 46 years old.

Willa Cather: Famous Novelist.
Born in: Gore
Birthdate: 1873-12-07
Died on 1947-04-24 at the age of 73 years old.

** This Document Provided By EverythingBirthday **
Source: //www.everything-birthday.com/celebrity/dec-7